The cinematic landscape of 2024 promises a year marked by innovation, creativity, and storytelling. While several films have risen to the forefront and will continue to do so for the rest of the year, there are best 5 films of 2024 which stand as cinema's finest offerings. These movies represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement this year and are bound to leave a mark on the hearts and minds of viewers across the globe.

Laapataa Ladies: The talk of the Indian film industry at present, Laapataa Ladies has taken fans of cinema by storm. Gaining widespread popularity, the film featuring Ravi Kishan, Pratibha Ranta, Nitanshi Goel is a production by Amir Khan’s franchise. The movie is humorous yet it puts forth a very important message about the need for women to discover themselves, their likes and needs. The film traces the journey of two newly-weds who get separated from their respective husbands just minutes after their marriages.

Article 370: An important film that features Yami Gautam in the lead, Article 370 revolves around the mission undertaken by a young field agent from the Prime Minister’s office. Taking references from the present-day situation in our country, the film is an aim to put an end to corruption, terrorism and all the illegal acts that stain the country. This is a movie for enthusiastic and loyal patriots.

Swatantra Veer Savarkar: Featuring Randeep Hooda in the titular role, Swatantra Veer Savarkar is another film designed for lovers of history and loyal patriots of the nation. The film traces the exciting yet important life of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar who was an Indian politician, activist and writer. He is renowned for developing the Hindu nationalist political ideology of Hindutva while he was confined at Ratnagiri in 1922.

Fighter: With an ensemble cast of Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, Karan Singh grover, Fighter is a film for everyone who loves action. In the film, a brilliant yet reckless squadron leader leads his team of the best fighter pilots on a mission. There, they come face to face with many dangers and difficult experiences, however they make through them at the end.

Shaitaan: Directed by Vikas Bahl, Shaitaan gained significant attention for its dark and gritty portrayal of black magic and the drawbacks of trusting strangers. The film revolves around a happy family who one day embark on a short getaway only to find themselves trapped in their own house after they befriend a stranger who is involved with black magic. The family become entangled in a series of events that spiral out of control, leading to dire consequences.