Gurmmeet Singh was born in India and has established himself as a prominent director, dialogue writer, and actor in the Indian film and television industry. With over two decades of experience, he began his career with the short film "Fear This," which was featured in the Digital Talkies International Film Festival in 2001. He gained significant recognition as an assistant director on notable films such as "Don" (2006), "Gandhi My Father" (2007), and "Jodhaa Akbar" (2008). Singh made his directorial debut with "Warning" in 2013, which was India's first underwater 3D film. He later co-produced and directed episodes for the acclaimed Amazon Prime series "Inside Edge," which received an Emmy nomination. Singh also directed two seasons of the popular series "Mirzapur." His latest project is the film "Phone Bhoot," released in 2022, starring prominent actors like Siddhant Chaturvedi and Katrina Kaif. Regarding his personal life, Gurmmeet Singh is married to Richa Singh.


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