Anmol Oberoi is a talented actor and theatre maker who has made a name for himself in the Indian entertainment industry. Born on , he holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and has worked with prominent theatre companies in Chennai such as Crea-shakthi, Madras Players and Stage Fright Productions. After graduating from Drama School Mumbai, Oberoi worked as an assistant director and production manager under Mahesh Dattani and later collaborated with Indianostrum Théâtre in Pondicherry. He has performed in various productions, including Two Soldiers at the InQueerables queer theatre festival organized by Queer Ink, and Bone of Contention in a Cosmopolitan CHS at the Prithvi festival 2019. Oberoi's most recent work includes the devised play Even Mists have Silver Linings, which premiered at the G5A in March 2020 and explored LGBTQ+ stigma in society. Currently based in Mumbai, he continues to work with theatre groups while also pursuing a career in screen acting.


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